Power Training for the Rest of Us!

GPS-Driven Power Estimation for Your Road Bike Our Progressive Web App runs on iOS, Android, and Windows phones
Train like the Pros
Pro cyclists and triathletes have used power measurement in the training for years. But while they can afford to spend $100's on precision instrumentation, most of us amatueurs cannot. Now PowerGauge © offers you power training at a fraction of the price!
No Extra Gadgets
PowerGauge © uses your phone's GPS to measure your speed and altitude. It combines this with your weight, your bicylce's weight and your drag coefficient to estimate the power your generating during your ride (Watts)
Post-Ride Analytics
After your ride, use our graphing and mapping tools to analyze your performance.
  • How long can you maintain 250 Watts?
  • Where did you bonk on that climb?
  • How much are those aerobars helping you?
  • Are you growing stronger?
PowerGauge includes graphing and mapping tools for your post-ride analysis, and we'll be adding even more tools and features soon...
Curious? Stay tuned!

We plan to launch in Q1 2023.
To stay up to date, email us at info@bikepowergauge.com
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Company info
Phoenix Software is a small startup. We intend to grow this product based on demand.
Privacy Policy
Phoenix Software, © 2021